Memorial Hall Events Contacts
Colyford Memorial Hall Events Contact Information
Event | Day | Name | Contact Information | |
1 | Seaton & District Hospital League of Friends Bingo | Tuesday 7pm Charity Bingo Fundraiser - Doors opening 7pm, Eyes down 7.45pm | Mary Bowles | 01297 23202 or 07875907034. |
2 | Seaton Christadelphians | Sunday 11 a.m. Visitors Welcome | Michael Willey | 01395 514035 |
3 | Colyford Short Mat Bowls | Thursday 7pm-10pm. New members welcome | Mike Shephard | 07582 874 484 |
4 | East Devon Dance Academy | Fri 3. 45 – 6.15 p.m. (in term time) Ballet 3 – 7 year olds. | Lynne Thorne | 01395 577088 |
5 | Colyford & District Flower Club | 1st Tuesday each month 2 pmNot January or August | Caroline Ellis | |
6 | Colyton & District Garden Society | 3rd Wednesday of month £10/yr 7.30pm. Two garden visits a year. | Sue Price | 01297 552362 |
7 | Friends of St. Michael's Church | 3rd Tuesday of month 10am-12 noon | Margaret Nicholson | 01297 553 247 |
8 | Keep Fit 60+ and Pilates | Keep Fit 60+ - Wednesday, 10.00-11.00am Pilates - Friday, 9.30-10.30am & 10.30-11.30am | Julie Wallace Edmonds | 07956 137493 |
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10 | Axe Vale Lace Group | 3rd Saturday each month 10.00 – 4.00pm | Joan Halls | |
11 | Line Dancing | Monday evenings 7.00pm - 9.00pm | Marina | |
12 | Colyton and Colyford Memory Cafe | We meet at the Reece Strawbridge Centre, Colyton on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, and at Colyford Memorial Hall on the 4th Wednesday of each month. | Co-ord: Sue Whitell Pub: Geoff Banwell | Sue Whitell, 07517054166 |
13 | Axe Valley Centre, National Trust | 2nd Wednesday each month 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm | Wendy | |
14 | Colyford Painting Group | Every Thursday 9.30 – 12.30p.m. (Committee Room) | Sue Boorman | 01297 551424 |
15 | Seaton & District Art Society | 1st Monday of each month 1.30pm -4.30pm (Not August) | Jacky Wheeler | 07552 656699 |
16 | Colyford Photographic Club | 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month 7.30pm -9.30pm | Margaret | 07753 911751 |
17 | Sequence Dance | 2nd and 5th Friday each month (if there is one) 7.45pm - 10.15 pm | Marjorie Vincent | 01308 425509 |
18 | Stitches | 2nd and 4th Monday 2.00pm – 4.00pm (Committee Room) £2 | Sue Price | 01297 552362 |
19 | Upholstery | Monday 10.00am – 1.00pm. | Joan Wright | |
20 | Colyford W.I. | 1st Wedneday in the month 2.00pm - 4.00pm | Meryl Robinson | 07971 654284 |
21 | Axe Valley Community Choir | Friday 7.30–9.30pm. Please contact Jan prior to attending. Occasionally at Whitford Village Hall | Jan Jones | 01297 443737 |
22 | Colyton Parish History Society | See Colyford Village Newsletter. 7.30pm. Colyton Town Hall. | Jacquie | 01297 552626 |
23 | Coly Ridge Probus Club | 1st Thursday of month 10.00am– 12.00 noon for coffee & speaker | Dave Thomas | 01297 551335 |
24 | Colyford Goose Fayre | (Committee Meetings - Various) | Vaughan Jelley | 01297 552172 |
25 | Intermediate Conversational French | Wednesday 10.30am- 1.00pm (Committee Room) If newly interested please email prior to class attendance. | Linda Jackson | |
26 | Questions of Life and Faith | Revd Canon Karen Curnock | | |
27 | Indoor Boot Sale | Mid September to mid December Sundays 1.30 - 5.30pm | Elizabeth Holbrook | 07891 486839 |
Other local Contacts
Event | Possible Location and timings | Name | Contact | |
1a | Coly Movies | Reece Strawbridge Centre, Colyton | Tony Hibberd | 01297 552110 |
2a | St. Michael’s Chapel of Ease | Colyford Village Church | Fr Steven Martin, Rector of the Holyford Mission Community | Website Chapel Warden - Mary Gay Bremridge 01297 552499 01297 553180 |
3a | Friends in the Community | 2nd Monday of the month 2.15 - 4.30 pm. St. Gregory’s Church Hall, Seaton | Carol Rowe | 01297 24310 |
4a | Link | Car Service contact 03001233345 8.30am-5.30pm Mon-Fri | Miss Wendy Cann | 01297 552263 |
5a | Yoga & Meditation | Online | Jayne Tumber, BWYQ 500hr Diploma FCT | 07472 504339 or 01297 553945 |
6a | Colyton Heritage Centre | Centre open Jun-Oct. Some talks held in Colyford Memorial Hall. | Jacquie | 01297 552626 |
7a | Seaton Wetlands | Web site with events | 01395 517557 | |
8a | Axe Vale & District Conservation Society | Web site with events | Web Site | |
9a | CVRA (Colyford Village Residents Association) | Various | Ian Priestley - Chairman | |
10a | Colyton Parish Council | Feoffees Town Hall | Sasha Haines - Clerk | 01297 552460 |
11a | Ancient Borough Of Colyford | Burgesses | Julian Thompson - Mayor of Colyford | 07795 124115 |
11a(b) | Ancient Borough Of Colyford | Burgesses | Anne West - Treasurer | 01297 551375 |